Margret Angus, age 24
Glasgow, Lanark
This sampler came to us machine-stitched to a larger piece of linen and inserted into an antique wood firescreen. The house is unusual as it depicts smoke from the chimney. Beside the house is a unique tree with peacock-like branches and an actual peacock standing on the top. There is one complete alphabet along the top. Beneath that is a row of initials and a row containing her signature, town, and age. The bottom third of the sampler is filled with spot motifs of birds and animals. A long list of familial names is to the right of the house. The entire piece is bordered in an assortment of zig-zag patterns.
Our theory is that Margret (the mother) started the stitching and Margaret (the daughter) completed the work, but since there is no date on the piece, we do not know for sure.
Size (W x H): 17 1/4 x 20 1/4 inches
Stitches: Cross, eyelet
Media: Silk on linen
Margret married William Stirling, a weaver, January 28, 1805 at Cadder Lanark (Glasgow). Records indicate they had eight children: William (19 December 1805); Janet (26 July 1807); James (26 May 1809); Janet (21 March 1811); Margaret (22 July 1813), John (2 June 1815); John Angus (13 May 1833); William (13 March 1835).
An 80-year old Margaret Angus Stirling died in October 1886 of "ulceration of intestines".
The loss of time is much
The loss of truth is more
The loss of Christ is such
as the worth cannot restore
Familial Names:
John Angus Stirling
William Stirling
Margaret Stirling
Andrew Fergus Angus
Elizabeth M. Stirling
Ann Stirling
Archibald Stirling
Robert M. Stirling (in black)
Charles Stirling
James Stirling
(This sampler was added to the site on February 15, 2013)