Sarah A. McKeen

American Samplers

Sarah A. McKeen


New Hamshire


This family record sampler is from Deering, New Hampshire and documents births within the McKeen family from 1785 to 1821. The house and garden scene include a lawn with a house flanked by trees and flowers on each side. The border across the top and down each side has fat strawberries and leaves.

Size (W x H): 16 1/2 x 16 1/2 inches

Stitches: Cross, satin, darning, outline, chain, gobelin, couching, cross over one

Media: Silk on linen


As of the 1820 U.S. Census, the McKeen's were living in Deering, New Hambshire, a small town in Hillsborough County, 23 miles southwest of Concord. Sarah Adaline McKeen was indeed born 30 March 1821. Sarah married Jonas G. Smith, a baker, 22 April 1847 in Boston, Massachusetts and she died 31 October 1887 of chronic hepatitis.



Robert McKeen Dec 23 1785
Sally McKeen Nov 29 1793
Leonard McKeen Dec 9 1813
Elbridge G McKeen Aug 30 1816
Sarah A McKeen March 30 1821

Jesus Permit thy gracious name to stand
As the First effort of a Female's hand
And while her fingers o'er this canvass move Engage her tender heart to seek thy love

Wrought by Sarah A McKeen 1834

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(This sampler was added to the site on February 15, 2013)